Why Shastrang ? - Master Bikram’s Fitness & Martial Art Academy

Master Bikram's Martial Art Academy
Sco-193,Sec16, PKL,Ph:0172-5057789/9988874789
0172-5057789/ 9988874789
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The techniques and concepts of this art can be considered very non-traditional. Principles of modern science, derived from psychology, kinesiology, and biomechanics, form the basis for SHASTRANG. SHASTRANG is designed to be a devastatingly effective self-defense system that can be used in real practical situations. Furthermore, SHASTRANG has been designed to enhance the student's overall health, fitness, and well being rather than cause the injuries and damage unlike other traditional martial art.
SHASTRANG system is based on the principles that its self- defense techniques should:
  • Develops combat abilities for testing situations.
  • Evolves emotional and mental conditions.
  • Enhance individual strength with practice
  • Develop reflexes and ability to respond against threats
  • Easy to learn and adopt.
  • Increase Self Confidence, Self Awareness & Self- Esteem

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