SELF DEFENSE - Master Bikram’s Fitness & Martial Art Academy

Master Bikram’s Martial Art Academy
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CKD's unique system has been designed for the smaller, less powerful man or women to develop powerful techniques; it is based on using the body's natural movement, with bio-mechanical techniques making the most of body weight and follow-through to achieve the required impact. Physics proves that the speed of a punch or kick quadruples the 'impact shock' on contact – in essence, speed generates power. In CKD, whatever your size, you will become fast and very powerful. CKD has specific drills to develop your speed, your flexibility, your timing, your punching power, your concentration, your accuracy and your co-ordination and balance. These skills and others are developed with the use of equipment for your safety.
Request a Trial Class

Sco 411, Sector 20, panchkula, Haryana
Ph: 0172 2552790, 9988874784,9988874789

Sco 193, 2nd floor,
Sector 16,Panchkula, Haryana
Ph: 0172 5057789, 9988874784,9988874789
Blabhawan, Sector 23-B, Chandigarh
Ph: 0172 5057789, 9988874784,9988874789
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